EPOS CARD エポスカード

Membership agreements

EPOS Net Terms of Use  (Revised on March 8, 2020)

Article 1 User Provisions

These Provisions relate to the use of EPOS Net (hereinafter “Service”) which is provided via Internet by EPOS Card Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “Company”) for card members of the Company and MARUI CO., LTD. It applies to those who have registered to use these Services and who have been approved by the Company (hereinafter “Users”).

Article 2 User Registration
[1] Only those who have been loaned a credit card from EPOS Card Co., Ltd. and MARUI CO., LTD., or a prescribed credit card issued by MARUI CO., LTD. (hereinafter "Credit Card Members") can register as Users for this Service (hereinafter "User Registration").
[2] Those who desire to complete User Registration must first agree to these Provisions, and then apply with the Company by sending information specified by the Company, including the credit card number, password, e-mail address and other information specified by the Company. Passwords may be set at the discretion of Users according to the method prescribed by the Company.
[3] Those who apply for membership and are approved for User Registration will be issued a number to uniquely identify them (hereinafter "ID”) by the Company.
[4] User Registration is complete once the Company issues an ID. IDs may be changed within the scope allowed by the Company. User must change his or her ID at the discretion of Users upon first login to begin using the Service.
Article 3 IDs and Passwords
[1] Users are completely responsible for using and managing their IDs and passwords. Users therefore agree that any actions conducted using their IDs and passwords will be considered as actions conducted by the User himself or herself.
[2] The Company takes no responsibility for any damage resulting from the unauthorized use of an ID and password by a third party, whether or not such damage is caused by an intentional act or negligence of User.
[3] If User causes damage by the unauthorized use of his or her own ID and password to the Company or a third party, the User shall indemnify the Company or the third party for these damages.
Article 4 Service
[1] Users who complete User Registration may use the Service provided by the Company via the Internet by logging into the Company's prescribed websites in accordance with these Provisions. The Company deems that a person who accesses the Service with the registered ID and password of the User is the User himself or herself.
[2] The Company reserves the right to change content of the Service without providing advance notification. The Company takes no responsibility for indemnification or any other obligations even if Users suffer a loss or damage.
Article 5 Changes to the Agreement
[1] The Company reserves the right to change this Agreement by taking measures to notify the User in advance of the change and so that the User may inquire as to the details thereof .
[2] The Company deems that the User agrees to these changes upon first using this Service after this Agreement has been changed.
Article 6 Changes, etc. of Registered Information
[1] User agrees to notify the Company immediately of any changes in his or her e-mail address or other registration information using a method prescribed by the Company.
[2] The Company takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by the User for his or her failure to notify the Company as prescribed in the previous paragraph.
Article 7 Prohibited Acts
[1] Users shall not engage in any of the following acts.
(a) Acts that cause false information to be sent or recorded during the use of, or registration for, the Service
(b) Acts that cause false information to be sent or recorded during the use of, or registration for, the Service
(c) Acts that cause false information to be sent or recorded during the use of, or registration for, the Service
(d) Acts that cause false information to be sent or recorded during the use of, or registration for, the Service
(e) Acts that cause false information to be sent or recorded during the use of, or registration for, the Service
[2] Copyrights, trademarks, and other intellectual property rights included in the Service such as Service content and information belong to the Company or other right holders. Users shall not act in any way that infringes or could infringe upon these rights.
Article 8 Removal of User Registration for Service

The Company reserves the right to remove User Registration and disable a User's ID without the consent of the User in any of the following cases. Similarly, the Company reserves the right to restrict the use of the Service in such cases.

(a) If the User loses his or her qualification as a Credit Card Member
(b) If the User violates any of these Provisions
(c) If the User submitted a fraudulent application during User Registration
(d) If the Company determined that he or she is unsuitable as a User.
Article 9 Identity Authentication Service
[1] Members who have cards with Visa functions shall automatically use the Identity Authentication Service provided by Visa through Visa Secure (formerly Visa Authentication Service).
[2] Users may use the shopping services at online participating stores that support the Identity Authentication Service by entering their Epos Net password or a one-time password issued by the Company or other authentication methods designated by the Company.
Article 10 Special Provisions Related to the Use of Marui Web Channel
[1] Users may, with an ID and password for this Service, use Marui Web Channel, an online shopping website operated by MARUI CO., LTD.
[2] Both this Agreement and the Marui Web Channel Terms of Use apply to Users when using Marui Web Channel. This Agreement has priority in case of any differences between the two.
[3] If a User is already a member of Marui Web Channel, starting from the first time the User logs into Marui Web Channel using his or her EPOS Net ID, any changes made to registration information as an EPOS Card Member (card number or address) or to registration information on EPOS Net (e-mail address or e-mail sending information) will also be handled as changes to member information for Marui Web Channel.
Article 11 Handling of Personal Information
[1] The Company shall strictly manage information registered by Users and other usage information for the Service as personal information. This information shall not be disclosed to a third party except in any of the following situations.
(a) The User provides his or her consent.
(b) The Company is required to disclose by law or regulation, etc.
(c) The Company outsources work to a vendor, and provides information required for that vendor to perform this work.
(d) The Company needs to protect its rights or assets.
[2] The Company reserves the right to use the personal information described in the previous paragraph to conduct normal business activities or to provide information thought beneficial to Users. It also reserves the right to use this information as statistical data.
Article 12 Disclaimers
[1] The Company in no way makes any warranty of the integrity, accuracy, or usefulness of content or other information with regard to using the Service.The Company also does not make any warranty of the integrity or security of encryption technology used by the Company in providing the Service, insofar as the Company determines that the technology is valid.
[2] The Company takes no responsibility for any and all damages to Users or third parties as a result of using the Service, excluding cases where such damage is caused by the Company’s intentional act or gross negligence .
Article 13 Temporary Discontinuation/Suspension of Service
[1] The Company reserves the right to temporarily suspend or discontinue the Service in any of the following cases, without prior notice to Users or obtaining User consent.
(a) When required for system maintenance or to otherwise operate the Service.
(b) When continuing to operate the Service would be difficult, such as during a disaster or power outage.
(c) When otherwise deemed necessary by the Company.
[2] The Company takes no responsibility for any and all damages that may occur to Users or third parties as a result of temporarily suspending or discontinuing the Service.
Article 14 Applicable Laws

The efficacy, implementation, and interpretation of these Provisions shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

Article 15 Agreement Jurisdiction

Any disputes arising in connection with the use of this Service between a User and the Company shall be referred to the jurisdictional court in Japan over the location of the User and of the Company headquarters or business office.

Marui Web Channel Terms of Use(Revised on August 1, 2021)

Article 1 Scope of Application for this Agreement

This Agreement is for using services such as product purchases, etc. (hereinafter "Services") provided through Marui Web Channel (hereinafter "Site"), a Service provided by MARUI CO., LTD. (hereinafter "Company"). It applies to those who have registered to use these Services and who have been approved by the Company (hereinafter "Members").

Article 2 User Registration/Membership
[1] User registration applicants shall confirm the provisions of this Agreement and then enter their personal information or other required information on the user registration screen on this Site. The applicants shall be deemed to have agreed to the provisions of this Agreement once they have registered as a User.
[2] The Company will approve the user registration applicants as Members except in the following situations.
(a) The applicant has had his or her membership qualification suspended or revoked in accordance with this Agreement in the past.
(b) The applicant has submitted fraudulent application information.
(c) The Company otherwise determines that the applicant is unsuitable as a Member.
Article 3 Handling of Personal Information

Members should complete the user registration only after agreeing with the separate "Consent Stipulations Related to the Handling of Personal Information."

Article 4 IDs and Passwords
[1] Members may use their registered ID and password after their membership has been approved. Registered IDs and passwords may be used only by the Member himself or herself, and may not be loaned or transferred to a third party.
[2] Members are completely responsible for using and managing their ID and password. Members therefore agree that any actions conducted using their ID and password will be taken as actions conducted by the User himself or herself.
[3] The Company takes no responsibility in any way for any damages resulting from the use of a Member’s ID and password by a third party, excluding situations where, from an objective standpoint, such damages are caused by the Company’s intentional act or gross negligence.
[4] If a Member causes damage to the Company or a third party in using his or her own ID and password, the Member must indemnify the Company or the third party for these damages. However, the Company will not claim indemnification if the Company confirms that the damage was not caused by the Member’s intentional act or negligence.
Article 5 Services
[1] Members may use the Service provided by the Company on the Site by logging into the Company's prescribed website in accordance with this Agreement.
[2] If a Member uses the Service to purchase products, etc., stipulations listed in the "Usage Guide" posted on the Site apply to returns, exchanges, delivery/shipping fees, etc.
[3] If a Member applies to purchase a product with this Service, the sales contract will be deemed to have been executed as of the time of the shipment of the corresponding product from the Company.
[4] If a Member commits fraudulent or inappropriate acts (places an unreasonably large order, makes a large amount of cancellations, etc.) with regard to the use of this Service, or refuses the receipt of an ordered product, or the Member's receipt of an ordered product cannot be confirmed due to his or her mid- or long-term absence, the Company can revoke or cancel the sales contract, or take other appropriate measures at its discretion.
[5] The Company reserves the right to change, discontinue, or suspend Service content without providing advance notification. The Company takes no responsibility for indemnification or any other obligations, even if Members suffer a loss or damage. However, if changes, etc. could cause a loss or damage to Members , the Company will generally provide notification and allow Members the opportunity of withdrawal from membership, etc.
Article 6 Changes to this Agreement

The Company reserves the right to change this Agreement without prior consent from Members. Members will be notified of any changes using a method provided on the Site. The Company will deem that any Members who continue to use Services after the notification have agreed to the changes.

Article 7 Changes, etc. to Notification Items
[1] Members shall immediately notify the Company using a method prescribed by the Company of any changes to information reported to the Company, such as the Member's full name, address, and telephone number. Members who have also been issued a card by the Company or EPOS Card Co., Ltd. agree that any such notification shall also be handled as "Changes to Notification Items" as stipulated in the Card Member Agreement.
[2] The Company takes no responsibility for any loss or damage suffered by the Member for his or her failure to notify the Company as prescribed in the previous paragraph.
Article 8 Special Provisions Related to Using EPOS Net IDs/Passwords
[1] If a Member is registered to the EPOS Net service provided by EPOS Card Co., Ltd., he or she may use services on the Site by using the ID and password for EPOS Net.
[2] When a Member first logs into the Site using his or her ID and password for EPOS Net, after logging in, his or her registration information as an EPOS Card Member (card number, address, telephone number, and mobile number) and EPOS Net registration information (e-mail address, e-mail sending information) will be registered and treated as changes to the Member information for the Site. Members therefore agree that any notifications sent as EPOS Card Members will be handled as changes to member information for the Site.
Article 9 Use of Services in Shops

Members may use the following services provided in shops specified by the Company.
Receipt, returns, and repairs (such as tailoring) of products purchased on the Site.

Article 10 Prohibited Acts
The Company prohibits the Members from the following acts while using the Service
(1) Acts that cause false information to be sent or recorded for the use of. or registration for, the Service.
(2) Acts actually or likely to be contrary to public order and morality
(3) Acts that actually or are likely to infringe upon intellectual property rights such as copyright and trademark right, privacy or other rights included in the Service, such as Service content and information
(4) Use of information provided by the Service on a commercial basis
(5) Acts that transfer to a third party, or allow a third party to exercise, any right held by the Members
(6) Abusive use of ID and/or Password
(7) Acts using or providing computer viruses or other harmful programs through or in relation with the Service
(8) Acts actually or likely to be contrary to laws
(9) Acts deemed by the Company to be inappropriate
Article 11 Service Interruption/Suspension and Changes to Content
[1] The Company reserves the right to temporarily halt, suspend, discontinue, or change the Service in part or in whole in any of the following cases, without providing advance notification to Members or obtaining their consent.
(a) When required for system maintenance or to otherwise operate the Service.
(b) When continuing to operate the Service would be difficult, such as during a disaster or power outage.
(c) When otherwise deemed necessary by the Company.
[2] The Company takes no responsibility for any and all damages that shall occur to Members or third parties as a result of halting, suspending, or discontinuing the Service.
Article 12 Copyright, Etc.
[1] Intellectual property rights such as copyrights and trademark rights and rights to usage of one's likeness included in the Service. such as Service content and information, belong to the Company or to third parties who have granted use to the Company.
[2] Members shall not use the intellectual property rights, etc. described in the previous paragraph in any way that exceeds the purpose of private use as an individual, without obtaining approval from the applicable right holder.
Article 13 Disclaimers
[1] The Company in no way makes any warranty of the integrity, accuracy, or usefulness of content or other information with regard to using the Service.
[2] The Company takes no responsibility for any and all damages that occur to Members or related third parties through the use or non-use of the Service, unless explicitly stated in this Agreement or in other stipulations, etc.
Article 14 Suspension and Cancellation of Membership Qualifications
If any of the following apply to a Member, the Company reserves the right to suspend usage of Services or to suspend/revoke membership qualification, without requiring prior approval from the Member.
(1) The Member's ID and password were used fraudulently (including cases where a third party engages in fraudulent use unrelated to the Member).
(2) User registration information contains fraudulent information.
(3) The Member is using the Service in a way not generally deemed appropriate.
(4) The Member is found to belong to, or have relationship with, an organized crime group or other antisocial force.
(5) The Member has violated this Agreement.
(6) The Company has determined that the individual is unsuitable as a Member.
Article 15 Withdrawal

Members may withdraw from membership at any time by following the prescribed procedure.

Article 16 Delivery Outside Japan
(1) Products, etc. provided through these Services will be delivered only within Japan.
(2) If a Member uses a proxy service to deliver products, etc. outside of Japan (hereinafter "Overseas Delivery Proxy Service"), the Company takes no responsibility for any and all damages to the User as a result of or in connection with the use of the Overseas Delivery Proxy Service.
(3) If a Member uses an Overseas Delivery Proxy Service to order a product from outside Japan, the Company will not accept any requests for returns, replacements, or repairs.
(4) If a Member desires to use an Overseas Delivery Proxy Service to deliver a product, etc. outside Japan, he or she should only do so after confirming the ordered product, etc. and its trademarks, etc. do not infringe on any laws or intellectual property rights in the delivery destination country. The Company shall under no circumstances pay for any damages suffered by the Member, even if the product, etc. is seized by customs as a result of violating laws or infringing upon intellectual property rights in the delivery destination country.
Article 17 Other

The administration and management of websites belonging to other companies accessed by Members from the Site (hereinafter "Linked Sites") are the responsibility of the administrators of the Linked Sites. The Company takes no responsibility for any damages to Members that result from using Linked Sites. Although the Company carefully selects Linked Sites, Members are responsible for accessing Linked Sites, and should only use such sites after agreeing with their policies, agreements, etc. on handling personal information.

The Company takes no responsibility for any damages to Members that result from or in connection with the use of Linked Sites.

Article 18 Applicable Laws

The efficacy, implementation, and interpretation of these Provisions shall be governed by the laws of Japan.

Article 19 Agreement Jurisdictional Court

Any disputes arising in connection with the Service between a Member and the Company shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court.

Consent Stipulations Related to the Handling of Personal Information

Article 1 Users of Marui Mailorder (Collection/Storage of Personal Information)
Marui mailorder users (including persons interested in receiving catalogs and registered users of Marui Web Channel; hereinafter "Applicants") agree to allow MARUI CO., LTD (hereinafter "Company") to, upon taking protective measures, collect the following information provided to the Company (hereinafter, collectively, "Personal Information") for use of Applicants (hereafter "Use").
(a) Information written by the Applicant on the application (postcard, fax, telephone, or website) such as the Applicant's full name, gender, age, birth date, address, telephone number, e-mail address, place of employment, residence status, family structure, and other information reported to the Company by the Applicant.
(b) The application date, contract date, product name, contract amount, and number of payments related to Use.
(c) Information recorded from calls, etc. when an inquiry is made.
(d) Information available to the general public, such as in government notifications and telephone directories.
Article 2 Disclosure of Personal Information
[1] Applicants agree to allow the Company to use the Personal Information described in (a) and (b) of Article 1 for the following purposes.
(a) Sending products, making inquiries, and providing after-sales service.
(b) Providing business information such as sending advertisements and printed material from the Company.
(c) Conducting questionnaires, gathering feedback on the Company, etc.
(d) Sending advertisements/printed material not belonging to the Company that has been outsourced from outside.
[2] Applicants agree to allow the Company or Marui Group companies to which the Company belongs (hereinafter "Shared Use Companies") to, upon taking protective measures, share use of the Personal Information described in (a) and (b), in Article 1, (1). If a new Shared Use Company is added, notification will be provided or the information will be published on the Company's website.
[Purpose of use]
(1) Sending business information such as advertisements and other printed material as a part of Shared Use Company business.
(2) Market research and product development conducted as a part of Shared Use Company business.
[Shared Use Companies]
MARUI FACILITIES Co., Ltd., MOVING CO., LTD., MARUI HOME SERVICE CO.,LTD.,Epos S.S. Insurance Co.,Ltd.,tsumiki Securities Co., Ltd.,D2C & Co. Inc., okos Co.,Ltd.
[3] If the Company outsources its duties in whole or in part to an outsourcing company, the Company may provide the outsourcing company with Personal Information collected as described in Article 1, after taking measures to safeguard Personal Information. The outsourcing company will use this information only for the purpose with which it was entrusted.
Article 3 Provision of Personal Information

Applicants agree, when the Company is requested by a public institution to provide Personal Information due to legal regulations, or it becomes necessary to do so for a corresponding public good, the Company will disclose the Personal Information to said public institution.

Article 4 Disclosure of Personal Information

Applicants may request the Company to disclose any Personal Information provided from the Applicant. In this case, the Applicant shall contact the division in charge listed in Article 7.

Article 5 Non-concurrence with Consent Stipulations

The Company may reject Use if the Applicant does not wish to enter information required for Use (information that the applicant must enter on the application, etc.) or if the Applicant cannot agree to some or all of these Consent Stipulations. However, the Company will not reject this Agreement if only (1) b., c., or d. from Article 2 of these Consent Stipulations are not agreed with.

Article 6 Requests for Suspension of Use

If a request for suspension of use is received, the Company will take measures to suspend usage, even if the Company is using applicable information within the allowed scope after obtaining consent according to Article 2 of these Consent Stipulations.

Article 7 Contact for Inquiries, etc. Regarding the Handling of Personal Information

Please contact the following division of the Company for inquiries on Applicant’s Personal Information with regard to the disclosure, revision, request to suspend usage or deletion of Personal Information.
MARUI CO., LTD. (Marui Mail-order) Customer Support Center
3-2-1 Shin Misato LaLa City, Misato-shi, Saitama, 341-0009 Inside Yamato Logistics
Toll-free: 0120-45-0101

Article 8 Usage of Personal Information when Usage Application is Rejected or after Withdrawal from Membership
[1] The facts of the application shall be used for a certain period of time even if no application of Use is established based on Article 1; however, regardless of the reason why the application was not established, they will not be used otherwise.
[2] If the Applicant is a Marui Web Channel member, the Company will retain and use Personal Information for a period of time prescribed by law or the Company within the scope required such as requests for disclosure of purposes stipulated in (a) from Article 2, [1], even if membership qualification is suspended, revoked, or withdrawn as stipulated in the Marui Web Channel Terms of Use.
Article 9 Changes to Stipulations

The Company reserves the right to change these Consent Stipulations by using legally-defined procedures when required.

[Shared Use Companies, etc. as Stipulated in Article 2 of Consent Stipulations Related to the Handling of Personal Information](as of August 1, 2021)

Company Business Location of Headquarters
MARUI GROUP CO., LTD, Holding company 4-3-2, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
EPOS Card Co., Ltd. Credit cards/
credit loans
4-3-2, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
AIM CREATE CO., LTD. Store decoration/advertising 3-34-28, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
MARUI FACILITIES Co., Ltd. Building maintenance 3-34-28, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
MOVING CO., LTD. Transportation 2-5-1. Bijogi Higashi, Toda-shi, Saitama
MARUI HOME SERVICE CO., LTD. Real-estate rental 3-34-28, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
Epos S.S. Insurance Co.,Ltd. Small amount short-term insurance 3-34-28, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
tsumiki Securities Co., Ltd. Securities 4-3-2, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
D2C & Co. Inc. D2C Co-creation 4-3-2, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
okos Co., Ltd. New business creation/development 4-3-2, Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo
・Entity responsible for managing shared use Personal Information:
 Masahiro Aono
 president and Representative Director
 4-3-2,Nakano-ku, Nakano, Tokyo 164-8701

[Handling of Personal Information on Websites] (Revised on April 1, 2022)

1.Access Logs
[1] When customers use the Company's website, information on their operations is recorded in access logs. The following types of information are recorded in access logs.
(a) Information related to the IP address used to connect to the Company's website.
(b) The type/version of the browser and the operating system used to access the Company's website.
(c) Information related to the pages (URLs) viewed by the customer, the date, and products that were viewed or searched.
[2] The Company will use access logs for the following purposes.
(a) Analyzing and compiling statistics on website usage in order to develop new services and improve existing services.
(b) Identifying causes of issues that occur during website operation.
[3] Access logs also include access information obtained from cookies and web beacons.
2.Use of Cookies
[1] In order for customers to more conveniently use the Company's website, the Company's website sends data called cookies to identify the customers' computers. These cookies are registered on customers' computers. The information collected by cookies does not include information that could identify?specific individuals, but it may be used in combination with other information to identify specific individuals. In such cases, information will only be collected and used with customer's consent (or confirming that the customer has already provided his or her approval) in accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and relevant guidelines.
[2] In addition to cookies used to identify customers' computers, multiple cookies are used to run the site, such as session cookies used to identify logged in Users (for functions such as the shopping cart and favorites list) and cookies for affiliate advertising. If a customer configures his or her browser to ignore cookies, it may become impossible for that User to use the Company's website properly.
3.Use of Web Beacons
[1] A technology called web beacons is used to gather access information from customers as they use the Company's website. When a page is accessed on the Company's website, web beacons automatically obtain access information and then record this information as access logs. The information collected by web beacons does not include information that could identify specific individuals.
[2] Web beacons use JavaScript functionality to transmit information. JavaScript functionality is also used to display part of the screen. If a customer configures his or her browser to disable JavaScript functionality, it shall become impossible to properly use some website functions.
4. Website Security

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is used to encrypt Personal Information during sending and receiving when collecting Personal Information from customers via the Company website. This makes it possible to prevent data from being stolen or modified, and should make it impossible for customers' Personal Information to be leaked externally.

The Japanese text of these Terms and Conditions shall be authentic. If there are any inconsistencies or differences between the multilingual versions of these Terms and Conditions, the Japanese version of these Terms and Conditions shall prevail.
